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  • Birthday 12/03/1965

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    Winkler, MB

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  1. Hi Helix, Ross Hesom Member # 6716 renewing #67. Thanks
  2. To set the record straight, Dylan did not write this post, I did. It is Ross, his dad. I can be reached at wstfld7@gmail.com
  3. I have to get this off my chest, or there is the possibility that it is going to chase a lot more people away from Time Attack and the Gimli Motorsport Park in the future. I started doing Autocross 6 years ago and still do. The atmosphere at the track is always great, we are there to have fun, test the limits of our cars and enjoy making new friends. While being relaxed, the safety rules and discipline is always adhered to and if something is not quite right, it is remedied immediately. Time Attack is pushed by the WSCC as the natural progression from Autocross, which requires the participant to get a HDPE course under their belt. Participating in the HPDE event makes for an enjoyable, busy weekend. An "Inviting" spin is put onto the weekend with the hopes of getting as many of the participants to return to do Time Attack or Road Racing in the future. WSCC rules for the HPDE weekend require that the car be wider than it is tall and that everything is in working order. Simple, Straightforward and Sensible! Once a person has all the legal requirements to get licensed through Motorsport Reg, and in my case, made arrangements for accommodation and car hauling, because Gimli is in the middle of nowhere and a 3-hour haul from home, you arrive excitedly for the first weekend of Time Attack. Hot Laps on Friday evening is an absolute blast and you are on top of the world. Saturday morning rolls around, and the atmosphere at the drivers' meeting is all business, with the arrival of the "Gimli Motorsport Police". Not-so-veiled threats of Black Flags, an officious attitude toward everyone, and endless intimidating stories of past sanctioning victories over unsuspecting participants fly around unchecked. Once the track goes live, any perceived transgressions are called out very publicly, while the "official" scrutinizes your car for other possible shortcomings. Seatbelt dates, roll bar deformities and the like. Suddenly, the car you did the HPDE in is now going to cost you a lot more to be track ready than expected. All good and well, safety is important and is part of the cost of taking up motorsport. However, when a person has come this far, only to be persecuted by the Track Police, the novelty wains and suddenly making the 3-hour trip for your next confrontation is not so appealing. Especially when you look across at the next car on the grid, which is participating with an almost identical piece of equipment, you have just been sanctioned for. This is not Formula 1 where everyone has bags of money. The idea is to be able to participate in motorsport on a budget where everyone is responsible for safety and discipline. Officiousness and bullying have no place in a club where every member counts to keep things going and keep the people coming back. All the good intentions of the WSCC and the HPDE recruitment drive, are being undone by officious bullies being allowed to run amok, ruining everyone's enthusiasm. My personal experience has not been good and Time Attack for me is over. I will continue with Autocross until I feel that the noxious environment at Gimli Motorsport Park has been sanitized.
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