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Rare Snake

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Rare Snake last won the day on January 20

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About Rare Snake

  • Birthday 11/10/1979

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    La Salle, MB

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  1. Hi Roland, I would like to keep my usual #488 please. Thanks, Dason
  2. I have to chime in here, maybe just because you said the magic word haha. Brian Earl Spilner, (it does sound like a serial killer) and Iceracer, I don't think I know who you guys are for real, or if we've raced together, but I appreciate the back and forth on the different views. This post has been quite interesting so far. Personally, I really like the idea of attempting to compare apples to oranges, as impossible as that is. I think we all just like to see ourselves on the same page, no matter our choice of weapons to strap into. I feel like I'm a bit of a freak in this world, because I've played hard at both ends, for quite a few years now. It took forever, but I eventually got quick enough in my "fast" car, and somewhere along the line, I accidently got quick in my "slow" car too. So it feels like everything I look at with this stuff has my eyes going in opposite directions. Now I'm in big trouble, because the track looked so nice the last time I saw it... now I want to put new tires on both before Spring, I think they can both do better!
  3. I had a whole big reply posted on my initial reaction to this poll a couple weeks back, but I deleted it quickly as I feared it would open up a can of worms. But it looks like a few more racers who were competing the last time we ran PAX seem to see it exactly the way I do. It was a good system, but it leaned a bit heavy towards the slowest cars with the newest adjustments that were made. My top times in one of the slowest classes, gave the record breaking ACR, and anyone else in that higher class, a next to impossible time to beat. I always thought a bit more tweaking was all it needed, but it was ditched anyway. I don't pretend to understand the amazing brains and math that goes into these calculations, I just see the end results on race day. All I know is that I drove the pants off that poor little red car! haha I don't understand why we can't just run whatever classes any other track in North America uses for theirs, why do we always have to be customizing things? Is it because we're car people? It would be nice to be on the same page as if I were to race elsewhere. My choice to vote for keeping things the same was based on the past talks we have all had about the current PAX system. It has more flaws than the way we are currently running, and sadly, those were our only options. And the track being repaved will be a big enough change for one year, in my opinion.
  4. This might be with Steve, he had a couple leftovers in his truck at the end, we suspected they belonged to Glen.
  5. This is great to see! I was really starting to wonder when we were going to look at the track. I figured it was going to be a last minute scramble, Saturday morning. There were a couple of real monsters in the southwest section, are those gone too, or will we reroute around them?
  6. Somebody needs to get into this car, and see if they can beat my $500, automatic PT Cruiser around that dirt track! This would be money well spent! glws
  7. This might be the best bad news I've ever heard. I'm happy to see this finally happening. I don't think many of us truly understand how much time and thought has been put in to get to this point. For that, I just want to say thank you, to everyone involved in making this happen. Hopefully this makes for an awesome 2025 season, no excuse now to not show up and get some laps in next year! See you at DirtX? Dason
  8. It has been a while since I have seen video of this car, glad to hear it's still moving forward. Question: Have you painted it? Sillier question: Did I see it roll by me at the Winkler Harvest Fest car show a few weeks ago? I can't wait to see this car up close.
  9. Not really an update, but I'll throw in my 2 pennies. I think both drivers dealt with the situation very well after the dust settled, there was even some laughing involved. Everyone who races a car knows that these are some of the risks we take out there, and unfortunately, sometimes stuff happens. I was talking to one driver last weekend, and his car has some pretty significant steering/suspension damage that he is confident can be repaired. The Lotus looked to be mainly cosmetic, although I'm sure it will be fun to find parts. I believe both drivers will be back on track once repairs are completed. The drivers in these classes are amazing to watch out there, on and off the track, and I love the way they handle the situations that they get into. Kudos to these guys!
  10. Thanks, you guys! Yeah I honestly don't know what the heck is going on with online prices... I don't set those. I showed that to my publisher earlier in the week, and they have assured me they are looking into what's going on over there. Pretty scary stuff! I always keep stock on both hardcover and paperback, so if anyone wants one, let me know, and we'll figure out the easiest way to get you into a copy. Dason
  11. It's the normal transponders that we always use. The only difference is that now for some reason, it shows as a $25 rental. It was always there in the price, but now we see it, and notice it. I was confused by this while signing up earlier this season as well. Dason
  12. I am absolutely blown away by the support I got this past weekend with the book. I underestimated how popular this was going to be out there, and I completely sold out of all copies I brought to the track! I know a few people asked, and did not get one, and I apologize for that. I will bring more out for those folks I missed, and I'll have them at the next event. Thank you so much, everyone. It was a truly incredible feeling to hear and feel the "buzz" that my craziness generated trackside. You all sure know how to make a new author feel special! See you at the next event! Dason
  13. Hi Everyone, As some of you may know, I have been working on a book for quite some time now, a personal collection of stories about cars in my life and my experiences with them. Many are from shows and meets, but it contains a decent amount of track cars as well, from almost all disciplines the club offers. Well, it is finally published and available for purchase! I will post up links for anyone interested, they can be ordered online as well. But for anyone who might want to buy one in person, I will have a box or two at the track with me this weekend. In person, I will take cash or e-transfers, and I'll even sign them if requested. Prices in person are $65 for paperback, and $80 for hardcover. If you're interested, feel free to check it out, or come see me at the track! Feel free to send me a message if you want one, and I'll make sure to bring one out for you. See you on the track, Dason. DASON WOWK - Home
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