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2024 Time Attack Championship Points


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We will be posting the championship points following each race weekend in this topic. We are migrating to a new format for calculating the points and there could be some delay before we get Event #1 & #2 posted.

The vast majority of entrants have classed their cars and are already in the points championship. With 8 events remaining, there is still time to submit your PIP schedule. Information on how to class your car can be found elsewhere in the Time Attack heading on this Forum.

Rookies have the option of competing in the rookie class or, if they prefer, competing against others per the OTA classing system (MOD, SGT, GT, T class)  If you are a rookie but would prefer to compete in the OTA class against experienced drivers, please let me know and I'll make the adjustment.  Contact  secretary@wscc.mb.ca 

I don't have everyone's race history at hand, so I can only make an educated guess as to whether you are a rookie.

Here is the definition of a rookie per our Time Attack Supplementary Regulations: 
"A rookie is defined as someone who begins a race season with less than eight (8) Time Attack events in their current racing history. A participant may retain rookie status over a maximum of two years, or until they have participated in eight (8) events – whichever occurs first"

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Here are the points standing after the first eight races. The championship in most classes is still wide open and might be decided on the very last run of the very last day!

Remember: the best 8 out of 10 events count, and you have to participate in at least 5 events to be part of the championship race. Keep collecting poin2024 Championship Points Race 8.xlsx

Edited by donrolandofurioso
updated points standing
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