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Time Attack Car Numbers for 2025

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Hello all!

A new season is ahead of us, and we decided on a minor change regarding the starting numbers of our Time Attack competitors.

In the past we asked you to register your number with WCMA. Due to a breakdown in the system, we sometimes ended with two competitors having the same starting numbers. This is obviously more than inconvenient; it is also very bothersome if both competitors have spent money to have their numbers professionally made.


To cut down on those incidents, we decided that we will keep track of your starting number in-house, without the help of WCMA. I will keep a spreadsheet with the numbers assigned to competitors.

I am asking everybody who wants to or expects to compete in Time Attack to list here their desired Car Number for the 2025 season. Many of us have been using the same number for years and rightfully expect to retain that number. Therefore, the following rule will be in effect:

1) All competitors from 2024 have first dibs on their number used in 2024. You want a different one, you are back in the pool of all new applicants for the remaining numbers.

2) All 2024 competitors have the right to claim their 2024 number until March 31st, 23:59. After that, their number becomes "public domain", and anybody can claim it for themselves.

3) In the event that two people are requesting the same number, the person claiming it first (as per time stamp) will get the number. The sole exception to that is if that number had been assigned to a previous competitor and was claimed within the correct time frame (see 2)

4) Numbers only, please! Do not add a letter behind or in front of the number.

5) Number 1 is not available! Don't ask for it, don't get any signs made for it! If you come with the number 1 on your car, it will be removed!

6) Number 328 is also not available, as I will cling onto that for many years to come!


Additionally: We would like to see the class you are competing in to be displayed on the car, similar to the Road Race cars. Once you know your car number for '25, and you get some signs professionally made, it would be great if you could put your car class on the sign (or somewhere else), too.


Please respond as an answer to this post and tell us which car number you would like - this includes the people who have utilized the same number for years! If I don't know that you want to keep it, I have to assume it is available for someone else!

Edited by donrolandofurioso
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New member (7718), wishing everyone well with their winter projects. 

In order of preference, I would like number 33 or 31 for a car competing in the modified class. 

They appear available as of now but I defer to returning members. 

Take care, 

-Braeden Jones 

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