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WSCC Time Attack 2025 Classing Poll

WSCC Time Attack 2025 Classing Poll  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. WSCC Time Attack 2025 Classing Poll

    • WSCC reverts back to the 13-class system that we utilized before 2023. This means that all classes would be split up again into T3, T2, T1, GT4, GT3, GT2 GT1, SGT3, SGT2, SGT1, MOD3, MOD2 and MOD1. This option would allow any car to be relatively competitive.
    • WSCC leaves the car classifications as run in the '23 and '24 seasons, with four classes: T, GT, SGT, MOD. This would mean that status quo is retained, with all of its advantages and disadvantages.
    • WSCC is breaking up the current GT class by putting all GT3 and GT4 cars into one class (GT3), while GT2 and GT1 cars compete in a different class (GT1). This allows for a narrowing of the extreme performance gap between the vehicles currently competing in GT; however, it does not address similar -albeit less dramatic- performance differences in T, SGT and MOD.

This poll is closed to new votes

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I guess stating future members was a poor wording then, I'll be sure to let him know his vote does not count as the future member who want to travel from out of province to the track. 

But we already knew the way favor of rulings goes to the want of the director's choice when it's convenient.

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2 hours ago, Anonychuk said:

I guess stating future members was a poor wording then, I'll be sure to let him know his vote does not count as the future member who want to travel from out of province to the track. 

But we already knew the way favor of rulings goes to the want of the director's choice when it's convenient.

I’m afraid he couldn’t vote because of a combination of circumstances beyond Rolands control. To vote he needed to be a forum member. Because of spam memberships, (we get more people applying for membership from foreign sources than domestic sources), I have to approve membership, manually, after I view the particulars of the application. I try to do this on a regular basis, several times a week. In the case of your friend, he applied for membership just a few days before poll close, and the poll closed before I reviewed memberships. So . . . it’s all my fault.

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It must clearly be pointed out that I never stated: "future member".

I insist, Kyle, that you prove otherwise, or that you publicly on this forum retract your statement!


You make a statement regarding you (whoever you are referring to as "we") already knowing the way the rulings go as per Director's choice when it is convenient - at least that is what I read out of your sentence.

I want you to know that as the Director I could have decided this without consulting anyone. The fact that I asked everyone should strike you as what it is - a public and fair opportunity for everybody to chime in what they want. You could and did vote, and so did others. You being upset that you apparently don't get your wish is nothing but astounding and pure testament of you not understanding what democracy is. Just because you and others don't like something does not mean nobody likes it. There were options, and people voted on it. Sounds simple and fair to me!


This has nothing to do with things going my way. Only a fool would assume that they know what I want, as I have never mentioned my favourite... as a matter of fact, I didn't even vote!

Accusing me of not being neutral is very far-fetched and completely unsubstantiated. I strongly recommend for you to take off your shutters and experience reality.


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On 10/9/2024 at 12:11 AM, David Klassen said:

After two years of running the classes T, GT, SGT and MOD, we want to re-evaluate our current system. We are asking all former, current and future Time Attack competitors to vote for one of the following three options:

To quote the first post. "WE are asking all former, current, and FUTURE Time Attack competitors"

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Does it say all people from all walks of life, or does it say members and non-members?

It is a given that a poll in a club forum is only created for people who are members of this club. It seems that the rest of the people all understood - none of the other voters tried to come up with some far-fetched scheme to try to influence the vote.

There are plenty of club members who are contemplating to enter (or re-enter) the Time-Attack competition. 

However, someone who is not a member, has not even gone through the Licensing School and may potentially never participate in Time Attack does not count. I may as well poll every fourth spectator at the Christmas Parade.

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