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  1. Turned a pb in a practice session. If this has happened to you please post and we can get it updated
  2. Just wanted to share some savings happening on brake pads. Ewald Performance is offering 20% off on G-Loc brake pads. if you're looking to upgrade your brake performance for next year get in contact with Frank Ewald. Looking forward to running these on my evo in 2025 frank@ewaldperformance.com http://www.ewaldperformance.com/
  3. 2024 season is now up. Good to see lots of improvements and new names added to the record
  4. I think this is what troubles a lot of us. A lot of people want raw time battles but don't have/ or want to spend that sub minute money. or sub 58 for that matter. but enjoy the engineering challenge of building something seriously fast in the garage. this normally nets you the most punished classing in pax. it really takes the wind out of your sails when you can break the track record (by multiple seconds) in a mod 1 car and not win the overall with pax I think pax made a lot of sense when car counts low to make a form of competition. now that the fields have grown over the years does it still offer the best form of compition and driver retention?
  5. My issue with pax is that I can't tell if anyone is cheating. You do a car classing that has no easily identifiable limits to a class. example my evo. its ran as a mod car and SGT1 car with the only difference being how much boost it ran. it went fastest as a SGT1 car by 6 tenths (if it was competing for a Sgt class win would that raise concerns?). VS Gridlife or GTA rules that have very fast to identify limits to the classes. I can walk up to a car and visually place it in a Gridlife class fairly quickly and accurately without knowledge of the car since its rules are based on easily scrutinized aspects. ie tire size and tw, aero size and number of wing elements. Explaining pax classing and how it works is and always has been a hurdle to getting new faces out. the rules are very time consuming and cumbersome to negotiate. the only rules I found more frustrating to class with was SCCA. Pax has lots of non checkable holes and advantages that are purely based on the cars factory options and class. remember your base model 350z can't have a aftermarket diff without taking pips. But if you have the track pack (VLSD) then you are pip free to swap the diff to a clutch type of your choice well retaining your base pax.(I'm not a fan of these loop holes) This year we seen a 3 second delta with our frs between 2 setups that pax the same. Pax sees no advantage from 2 way coilovers but the transponder told us otherwise. how is it fair to a low class like gt that I can show up on kw 2 ways ($$$) and pax/Class the same as a stock ish frs on entry level suspension? the gridlife rules would punt me up a class and maintain the spirit of a low class to be a entry level stepping stone. my closing thoughts. Pax is not time attack. Time attack is a raw time competition with classes based around tires/ aero and engine size/ aspiration. the best driver does not always win, nor the best prepared car. regardless of what is decided I will see you all out in 2025 to continue chasing PB's and records
  6. personally I would be fine with counting this as record time for your car. You did it at a Wscc event with transponder. maybe I will make a poll and see what others think. I stand to gain from this lol. I'm all for any session the transponder is on being included in the record list. maybe as long as a form of proof like your photo is provided we can make some exceptions to help build the list. then going into the 2024 season I will see if I can get the timing sheets to include the morning practice sessions so we catch any potential pb's that happen outside of the competition result sheet also.
  7. just got the 2021 results added in.
  8. I like the sound of those goals. When I put the 2021 results in it will be a little harder. wanna say I noticed 3 or 4 between 1.00 and 1.03 that aren't on the list yet
  9. ill get it fixed up in the next revision. haha I think I went off 2021 season since that was the last time I ran with you. I need to get out more.
  10. updated now to include the full 2023 and 2022 season. We have almost 100 people on the records now in 2 years! it is crazy to see how close together it has gotten. it will be a nice reference in the future to chase down the next spot, even when you may not have close competition on that race weekend. my goal is for this to help motivate people to keep coming out and improving
  11. Current Time Attack Records From 2019 - 2024 season. Excited to see this list get a shake up in 2025 on the fresh pavement if you see any mistakes or want to add info to a ranking comment below GMP Time attack records.pdf
  12. can you post the results for event #9 & #10
  13. ok so still a street car. The issue I'm seeing with the harnesses you linked is that they don't have a Fia certification. harnesses get tricky as some things they will do to make a "street legal" harness also make them un acceptable for the track. you would have to get a 4 point ASM style harness to be able to run a harness without rollover protection. if your looking to stick with schroth racing this would be the harness you need https://www.schrothracing.com/item/profi-ii-asm/fia-4-point-asm
  14. I'm not familiar with the style harness you are referencing. something to note tho is all harness's have to be FIA approved and up to date. I have ran a stock seat belt with a bucket. it takes a bit to make sure everything works as intended and holds you correctly. I will have to look over our rules on the harnesses again but i don't actually see a way to run them without a cage. previously you could run a "ASM" style harness when we didn't require a neck restraint with the harness. Now that we do tho you would need the cage. From what I'm seeing tho you are more so just after seating position and some extra hold from the seat. i would say just make the stock belts work unless its a caged racecar, if so definitely would point you in the direction of adding the harness's and neck restraint also note we also require the anti submarine strap (5 or 6 point belts) more info on the car/ set up and what your end goal is and we can make sure your 100% for when you get out to GMP
  15. Sup regs for drift. if you have any questions please send me a message or post here. regulations are open to change at any point Winnipeg Sports Car Club DRIFT sup regs.pdf
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